Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Running Log

I wanted everyone to see that even though I am the worst blogger in the world, I am still getting my runs done! I inserted my training log to date below. Its a super spreadsheet! (says the accountant dork). Anyway I hope you can see it, I'm not sure how its going to come though. and PS 12 more days until the marathon!!!! YAYAYAY!!

I just checked it and you can see it pretty well if you click on it!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The worst!

So I guess I am pretty much the worst blogger ever this year!! Just because I haven't been blogging doesn't mean that I haven't been running!!! Last night I ran 9 miles in the rain after work. It was the first time all season that I ran after work. It took a little longer than usual to get into it but I still managed to finish in a best time of 78 minutes!! I'm getting super excited for the marathon since I have been able to keep up my faster than normal pace through all my runs this month!

Backtracking to some past runs.....last weekend BFF Alli was here from Oregon so we went up to Waterville Valley and spend Saturday testing our snowboarding skills! Sunday we ran 6 miles and then headed home. Not as long as I should have run but sometimes I think it is nice to take a little break and I think my legs were happy with me for it.

Last Tuesday and Thursday I ran 10 miles and 9.5 miles (I think). I know I ran at least 9.5 miles each day. I keep the best track of my running on my paper training schedule that I keep at my desk because that is where I go after most of my runs! Tomorrow I will post a pic of my super training spreadsheet (which I found on the Cape Cod Athletic Club website). Its like a spreadsheet lovers dream!

Two Saturdays ago I ran 19 miles in the windy rain! I ran with another girl from the Dana Farber team again for 14 of the miles! You can't skip a run because of the weather because you never know what the weather is going to be on marathon day!! I really hope its not raining though because the yuckier the weather, the less people come out and if no one shows up to watch its going to be a long boring 26.2 miles!

This weekend is my last long run! Its a 20 mile race that starts in Maine and usually ends in Massachusetts. This year it ends in New Hampshire because of some bridge work. My Dad and I are going up Sunday morning and its great because the roads are open so my dad can drive ahead a few miles at a time! My goal for this race is to break 3 hours, which is my previous best time for this race!

Well I need to get some rest because I have a 10 mile run planned tomorrow before work!! Good night!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hard Core?

Ok....I am a little behind on my blogging so I have a lot to say today.

First I want to talk about my run this morning. Yes as a matter of fact I did go running this morning. When the alarm first went off my gut reaction was to stay in bed, but the second time the alarm went off I figured the least I could do was peak out the window and see how it looked. I checked the backyard and it looked pretty clear so I went for it. I checked and it said 33 feels like 23 so I put on some extra clothes and wore my old ski jacket and walked out the door into a blizzarding wind storm. Maybe this was not the best idea. Nothing was icy though so it couldn't be that cold. And then Madison would not get in the car. I came very close to leaving her because she was being such a brat but instead we both walked inside and started over. This time I put her leash on before we went outside and then she went right into the car. The actually run wasn't too bad. We went 8 miles (I'm rounding up). I kept going back and forth between felling hard core for being out in this weather and feeling like a wus because I was wearing such an outrageous running outfit. I ended up decided that I was hard core after I got home and my pants were soaked to the knees and my shoes and socks were dripping with slush. I am definitely glad that I went though, just like I always am! :)

The next thing I want to talk about is my Half Marathon race that I did on Sunday. The weather was fabulous and so was the race! I went in with a goal of breaking 2 hours to run 13.1 miles. I was a little nervous in the beginning because it was very crowded and I am not very good at weaving through large crowds of people. In the end I think it might have been to my advantage though because every time I would go to pass through people I would speed up so that we wouldn't trip over each other. In my head every mile I would calculate out what time I wanted my watch to say (9 times # of miles ran) and then compare it to what my watch actually said. I was a little off in the beginning but by mile 5 I was right on target. Then I started getting ahead of target which was nice because I was running faster than I usually do so I wasn't sure if I was going to die (like legs stop moving not actually dying) at the end. I was building myself a nice little cushion in case I had to walk the last mile. Luckily I didn't have to! I finished in 1 hour and 53 minutes!! A new personal best from me and 7 minutes faster than my goal time. I was ecstatic! Even though I finished 1079th out of 2706 I felt like I won! It was great!

Now I had to figure out what that half marathon time meant to my potential new marathon time. I remembered that we got an email from our coach (Jack Fultz the 1976 Champion of the Boston Marathon) that included a formula to calculate your marathon time from races of other distances. So I open up the email and open up a spreadsheet (yes!) and try to figure out my expected finish time. The rule is that each time you double the distance you can expect your per mile pace to increase by 5%. So my pace for the Half was 8:39 per mile. Multiply that by 1.05 and my marathon pace should be 9:05. Multiply that by 26.2 miles and voila I am done with the marathon in 3 hours in 58 minutes!!!! If only it were that easy! :):)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

In My Head

There are a couple reasons to be pumped with this mornings run. First of all it was warm and not raining this morning like I was expecting. Second, Maddie and I ran a personal best time for our 7.5 miles this morning! We finished in 68 minutes and 29 seconds!! And that was with two bathroom stops (for her not me) and 12 street crossings. Now if I can just run the same pace for an additional 6 miles then I will be on track to run a super half marathon on Sunday!!

Recently someone asked me what I think about while I'm running. For the most part I spend my time doing calculations in my head (dork alert!). I can't help it. I am constantly trying to calculate my pace and how much I ran and how much more I have to run and how fast I have to run the rest of my run to finish in the time I am hoping.

Today my head sounded something like this while I was running this morning. "Wow its warm, I guess I didn't need so many layers. I feel good this morning so maybe I will try to kick up my pace a notch and see if I can keep it up for the whole run. Gosh its foggy. Hmmm what would I do if someone jumped out of the woods and tried to attack me right now?? Lets see are there any houses around? I think I would spray him with my pepper spray (you bet I run with pepper spray although usually I am more worried about coyotes than humans). Then I would run the nearest house and/or road. I can't be too far from civilization. I'm just on the bike path." (That went on for about a mile and a half). On to the next topic: "So I have run over 200 miles since January (say 210 for the sake of easy calculations in my head), if you average about 100 calories a mile then I have burned 20,000 calories in the past two months. If 3,500 calories are in a pound then I should have lost 6 pounds! (The calculating didn't happen that fast. It went more like well 3,500 and 3,500 is 7,000 that's 2 pounds and 7 times 3 is 21 so 2 times 3 is 6....6 pounds.) For the record I have not lost 6 pounds haha. Luckily I am running to help find a cure for cancer and not for weight loss!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tuesday Run

Yesterday I decided to do my long run because the weather forecast did not look promising. Its nice to get the longer of the two week day runs over with first too. So around 6:30AM Maddie and I took off for a nice 10 mile run. I was expecting pretty smooth sailing since it has been really quite warm (relative to what one would expect for February). Somehow though there was still quite a bit of snow and ice on the trail which was especially slippery because it was in the process of melting. Luckily for me, Maddie responds well to "whoa danger" which I yell to her every time I see snow or ice ahead so she doesn't run full steam and end up dragging me across the ice. Other than that nothing too exciting. I think my legs were still a bit tired from my long run on Saturday so it wasn't our best time ever but we are still under an average of 10 minute miles.

Also yesterday, I sent my letter out to Staples for copies to be made, got stamps and envelopes and made my address labels so tonight will be fundraising letter night. I'm hoping to get through my entire first round of mailings tonight. So everyone should be watching their mail!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

DFMC 2010 (#8)

So a little late with my initial entry for this year's training.....I'll do a quick recap so that everyone is up to speed. This year I am living, working, and training on the Cape. I have myself a trusty training partner, Madison , the golden doodle. She does not let me slack off. Luckily (or unluckily) for me, she does not have a snooze button so when she hears my alarm go off she gets right in my face.

In January, I ran 12 training runs (3 a week)for a total distance of 106 miles. The runs spanned from 4 miles on January 4th to 16 miles on January 24th and my average pace was 9:39 per mile. The 16 miles was the Derry New Hampshire 16 miler, a race which had ridiculously steep hills around every corner. That went surprisingly well for me and inspired my to keep up the early morning runs. Most of my runs are on the bike path, as Madison is a much better runner when there are not cars driving by all the time.

In February so far I have run just shy of 98 miles so far with 8 runs. I usually do 3 runs a week but I missed on run for a storm. I am back on track now though. My longest run to date is 18 miles, which I did yesterday. A nice jog from my house in Harwich to my parents house in Eastham. It was a fabulous day for a run and I finished in 2 hours and 54 minutes.

This week I have two runs to do during the week and then a half marathon race on Sunday!!!