Thursday, March 24, 2011

Final long run weekend!

Saturday is the last long run before taper! I cannot believe it's here already! (Especially because I woke up to a snowy winter wonderland this morning.) It seems like just yesterday I was kicking off my training. Those long training runs that I dread never seem so bad in retrospect. Last Sunday I ran 17 miles around Harwich. That has been my new weekend run routine. I leave Maddie at home for this one, grab my iPod, turn on the Spanish lessons, and hit the road for 16 to 19 miles! So if you see me running around hola-ing to myself, I'm not crazy! Just trying to multi-task!

Oh! Some other great news! I got my bib number and it is fabulous! It is 22336! Super, right? Now you can all use it to track my progress on marathon day at!

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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Number Nine!

I'm deep in the heart of training for my ninth Boston Marathon as part of the Dana Farber Marathon Challenge team! Yay!

Last year I raised just shy of $6,000 for this great cause. I finally managed to achieve my goal of finishing under 4 hours. It only took me 8 years!

This year I am approaching my training with a more laid back attitude. My secret? I got rid of my watch. It's great! No more checking my arm at every mile to see if I am on pace. It's working out quite well for me so far.

Now for a training recap. I started a little late this year. I kicked it off the beginning of February, but have been on my game since then. Maddie (my super goldendoodle running buddy) and I have been getting up before work on Tuesdays and Thursdays and running 7 or 10 miles. Then a long run of between 13 and 19 miles on the weekend and that's a wrap! Bring on the marathon!

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